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10 Strange things you forgot about Rihanna

10 Strange things you forgot about Rihanna

Rihanna is an iconic figure herself, so it might be surprising to find out she has her own sources of inspiration. Like many of us, she’s a huge fan of Madonna and Lady Gaga, but there’s one thing Lady Gaga does Rihanna claims she never could. We’ll share some strange facts about Rihanna, including the time she got a huge surprise from Jay Z. Plus, learn what item she’s banned from her concerts, and who was her drill sergeant in the Cadet Corps. Most people know Rihanna grew up in Barbados, but she was also a regular church attendant where she witnessed some scary exorcisms. Even celebrities like Rihanna can have awkward moments, and we’ll let you know what she now looks for in a waxer after an embarrassing incident.

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